Upcoming Projects

I’m facing a two-hour sit in a Uhaul place tonight (Daan’s car is getting a hitch put on), so between that handwork opportunity ™ and the demo at my old middle school tomorrow morning, things are a bit of a tizzy tidy this morning.

First I gathered together all my fiber baskets and got a bit of alpaca on the wheel.  Merino sheepskin, check.  Loom, check.  ID tags for all the baskets – I’ll write them later today.  Visual Aid Banner about spinning – ack!  still not done!  Bingo!  Handwork for the opportunity.  Throw all Visual Aid illustrations with edging thread (of course I’m blanketstitching every illustration, and every caption) and a couple of never used straight knitting needles (no peeking, I’ll show you later) into the Do Bag.

But of course, doing all the above required Putting Things Away, and Sorting, and Making Piles.  Which led to a Quickie Audit of the craft closet.

My craft closet is more of a baby schrank.  Wardrobe.  Generally it’s piled high with uncut fabric.  I hate this.  I would really prefer to keep tools only, and acquire materials as I need them.  However, my mind moves MUCH faster than my hands, thus the pile.

I have sorted, and the Undesignated pile is much smaller than the Stop The World So I Can Get This Stuff Done pile.  This is very good.  In the STWSICGTSD pile:

Greengray linen for smocked shift – currently under heavy progress.  Need to print out smocking diagram.
Black leather piece for Daan’s watchcover – oops, forgot about that.  Project Night fodder, after Apr 28.
Snowpea linen for dancing Hapsburg – waiting for plan to be formed, and additional fabric bought.
White linen for smocked shift for dancing Hapsburg – waiting for Greengray practice version to be a success.
Muslin for remainder of Visual Aid Illustrations to be traced on, and captions printed out. – Should happen this weekend, though the map embroidery won’t for a good while.
Polar fleece for Fleece Helms, which I originally wanted to be done for Apr 28 festival – ain’t gonna happen.  Sigh.
Striped skirt fabric with pattern for vampy skirt and basque – Funny, this fantasy (remember the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair, what Rene Russo wore in that first investigative scene?) is responsible for the making of the civil war corset as practice, for me running into Lavena and Tory in Joann’s, which helped get me into the SCA.  So must DO this.  Even if I’ve made my plaid kirtle out of the original yard goods, and had to replace them with something more masculine and less splashy.
Patterns for the borrowed black cotehardie and cloak, which have gone back to Lavena.
Alpaca yarn for felted baby jester booties.
Tablet weaving materials and book.
Eastern European knitted footlets.
A ‘thanks for not touching until Greet returns’ drape for my wheel.
Slipcover fabric (leftover from my undertunic) for the yoga bolsters.  Need to buy zippers. work out closures, perhaps use up more vintage buttons?
Saffron shirt fabric for Spoon’s shirt.
Black sweater to repair for Daan’s grandmother.

Okay, this has gotten way out of hand.  I’m not going to list what’s in the Undesignated pile, other than that rust-colored cotton/linen blend that might well become a shirt for Daan.  (move)
Camel wool that might be one of those Germanic capelets, when my patterns arrive (move)

Right.  So now there’s a tiny pile of U’s on top of the schrank.  New rule:  All planned projects must fit inside the schrank.  Or be out on the desk, getting DONE.

Clearly it’s time to chain myself to the sewing machine.

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