For anyone who’s ever left a comment…

I promise I didn't mean to ignore you.  TypePad has evolved so swiftly, and spam comments (hiss!) proliferated so quickly, and I went back to school, that I just stuck my head in the sand re: comments.  I've figured out how to kill spam comments efficiently, and I'll look for some sort of notification setting, so I can tell when you lovely people talk back to me. Continue reading For anyone who’s ever left a comment…

Persona: 6thC

Who was it that the Vikings raided?  Why?  I built this persona as an attempt to understand the other side of the popular icons, and fell in love with the clothes, the fibercraft, the jewelry, and the graphic design of Kent. This period is also called the Migration Period by historians, and as the Byzantines take up moving things around the world that the Romans left off, I also find appropriate the dregs of Roman, some Coptic, and of course Byzantine clothing and gear for a culture on the coast, settled by seafarers, and clearly talented in their works. MY … Continue reading Persona: 6thC

Persona: 16thc Indian and Persian

I’ve experimented with these two personas in an effort to understand climate.  In the end, I’ve decided that 6thC Mediterranean/1350 Danish is where I want to be, but the sources I found were neat, and my mother wears Persian based on these pictures. Persona: 16thc Persia, artisan class Based on the following illustrations (all from Roxane Farabi): using the following patterns: Rashid’s PatternsRoxane’s Patterns and these fabrics:-4 yds rayon jacquard-3.5 yds taupe linen, rayon embroid.-2.75 yds lt yellow linen, rayon threaded-1.5 yds mint linen -4 yds translucent embroidered cotton for pirihan (Still want silk to line jacquard for joba – … Continue reading Persona: 16thc Indian and Persian

Wine List, February 2011 (aka Way Overdue)

(Here ought to go a pile of apologies for forgetting how to blog.  Let's call that done, and get to the good stuff.) Way back in February, my adopted group Glynn Rhe, threw an event called Wine List.  The "List" part had to do with a tournament, in which all participants put a bottle of wine on a blanket, and then everybody fought everybody else, and the winners* got to take home the wine, and some prizes, besides. *There were teams involved.  I really only understand about that much, and that the Viking was on the winning team, and that's … Continue reading Wine List, February 2011 (aka Way Overdue)