Benefits of researching less

I had a powerful experience recently. Typically when I decide to make a thing, I do a little research to show me which of several design alternatives I should choose, and then I make it. Almost always, the thing comes out well enough that it inspires me to do some back-documenting, during which I learn that there were variables I didn't know, or context…I learn a lot.  The thing isn't museum-perfect, but I use it, and people like it, and tell me so, at which point I tell them all the stuff that's 'wrong' with it until I realize that I've passed … Continue reading Benefits of researching less

Summertime, school is out! Requesting EP fiction…

Why yes, I was one of those boring children who read all summer long, but even the most dedicated learner benefits from a change of pace. I'm collecting fiction about sub-Roman Empire Britain, for the purposes of increasing my ambiant knowledge without the angst of yet another research project.  (The more I personally identify with and enjoy my research directions, and the further I stretch to get there…the thinner my skin gets.  Ergo, time to feed the right side of my brain.) Having just started, I haven't got very far yet, but the Dark Is Rising series is a favorite. … Continue reading Summertime, school is out! Requesting EP fiction…

If it’s summer, it must be Roman…

That title isn't quite fair, as I am generally interested in the fall of the Roman empire, north and south, so it does make sense for me to have a Roman outfit beyond the 103 temperatures.  I'm not being very academic about assembling this one though…   (Perhaps someone has a snazzy background?  I've got great pics of the ruins of the baths of Caracalla, but that doesn't quite work for post-apocalyptic logic reasons…must look at old travel photos.)  Edit: Lorenzo proposes Pompeii, apparently. This garment is an experimental chiton.  It's a very loose weave linen, with teensy gray stripes. … Continue reading If it’s summer, it must be Roman…