Refocusing persona development – 6thc Kent

I haven't really done any persona development since getting my name (15thc Flemish, Margareta Gijsberts, called Greet, which is a 15thc pet name).  The last two years, my first two years, I've been following advice to play around…try things…and I've gotten sucked into Major Funness that required Themed Clothes.

But now I think it's time to settle down and focus on one placetime for a while, and that's going to be 6thc Kent.  Southeastern England, influenced by the Anglo-Saxon, the Jutes, and some highborn Frankish marriages, after the pullout of the Romans, but before the Holy Roman Empire swells back again.  Don't worry, the Coptic project is still going ahead, but there's something about the Dissolution of the Roman Empire – North that speaks strongly to me.  I like the tents, the graphic arts, the runes, the brooch bling, the textiles, the Kentish garb cuts.  I spent quality time in the longhall this GW, such great singing that happening there!  (Also the bacon at midnight rocked.  And snuggling with one's peeps in the firelight.)

I'll still have some resources here for other places and times…I can't stop being a costumer-type, and I will be sewing for my pals which requires Research.  And…well, you know how it is in the SCA…if I'm doing Early Period, then I need a Bronze Bog dress, and some Empire stuff, and some Anglo-Saxon pre-Viking, and don't forget the Celtic woad face-painting…

2 thoughts on “Refocusing persona development – 6thc Kent

  1. I can’t believe it, but I never made it to the Early Period area at Gulf. It was on my original list, but “the schedule”(TM) never had time for it…
    Ah, well, there’s always NEXT YEAR! 🙂

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