Introducing Greet’s Guy’s Garb!!!

I’m starting a new service/arts project.  Over the past year I’ve been given lots of fabric and other materials, much more than I can use.  At the same time, I’ve been noticing that many of my male friends are becoming dedicated fighters, but feel they can’t go to events because they lack garb.  Finally, I’d like to learn more about clothing types than I care to wear (or make Daan wear).

Four birds with one stone:  I will make garb, both out of my materials, any more materials that are donated, or Guys’ client materials in exchange for kit stuff that I need.  (That’s the fourth stone: I am capable of learning woodworking, casting, leatherwork – but I have a room full of fabric and tailoring skills.)

So…if you’d like to trade, check out the Greet’s Guy’s Garb link under "Resources" on the left.  Trades going on now include knitting for Eoin, a saffron smocked shirt for Spoon, a 3rd Crusader tunic for Orlando, and Norse clothing for Nordyck.

One thought on “Introducing Greet’s Guy’s Garb!!!

  1. What a great idea! Particularly the way you have organized for easy reference what you can offer versus what you want. I bet not-so-sewy ladies would dig it too.
    BTW, nice job on Daan’s clothes. My goodness that hood is green!

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