Fundraising at Barnes and Noble

I spent several lovely hours pestering shoppers at our local B&N this past Saturday.  Dressed in 1300’s Magyar attire, near as I know it to be.

Sorry, I forgot my camera.  (Again!)

But I wore my newly finished drab cotton tunic with FIVE spools-worth of red embroidery at neck-hem-cuffs, my adorable plaid braid-covers, my very fashionable crocheted cap – which four people tried to buy off me.  When they start offering money, I’ll be in trouble.  (It’s from Romantic Knits, folks.  Six hours to finish it, stomach flu optional.)

I’m very sorry I have no picture.

I pestered shoppers with the help of Elspeth and Edwin.  Elspeth was wearing 14th century English – red and black bliaut with a floaty train, and an equally floaty white veil.  It was funny trying to walk next to her in the aisles of the bookstore.  Edwin matched her very nicely in a red waistcoat, white blouse with blackwork at the ruffs, and a great floppish hat.

Ostensibly we were there to wrap gifts that people purchased.  We said so when people came in the door – "Good day, we’re wrapping gifts!"  Occasionally Edwin would go stand in the middle of the store and bellow a general announcement (he IS the herald for a reason) that we were there to wrap gifts.  Mostly we were entertaining.  I did a lot of explaining why we were dressed like we were, and we handed out lots of contact cards.

And we made $71.37 in the first day.  I go to do it again next Sunday.

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