Back from MGT – Award of Arms

That stands for Meridian Grand Tourney, where I was given an honorific.  It’s called an Award of Arms.  This is what the commemorative scroll looks like.
Awardofarms (It was illuminated and calligraphed by Melbrigda, a friend in my shire, which is really nice.)

This means you can call me Lady Greet, now.  I have a nice embossed copper circlet that King Maximillian had a bit of trouble getting on my head – those piles of braids, you know.

My favorite part of being called up in court, was when I got myself knelt on the cushions, King Max said, “Hi, Greet!”

Loved that.

But the whole day was just wonderful.  I spent most of it with Mistress Maudeleyn Taillour, who is a costuming sort of Laurel, and meeting her ‘friends and relations’ – her own laurel Master Allan, Duchess Caroline, Mistress Asta, Baroness Gwen, Lady Margaret Northwode, husband Michael, and I’m forgetting the name of the sheep owner, the wood carver, the shoemaker, etc.  Perhaps I will take notes next time.

Not only did I have a wonderful time talking A&S projects, future possible projects, Egyptian books, and spinning wheels with them, I learned so much about the fighting!


Here’s the opening procession getting ready to start, as directed by Mistress Amicia, Beacon Herald (that’s the chief one for the Kingdom, I think) in gold Italian Ren and sunglasses.  You can see my wheel at the left under the tan pavilion, and Maudy and Michael are sitting under it.

MGT is a fun event because the six tourneys are sponsored by different groups: the Roses (former queens), the Pelicans, the Laurels, etc.  Each of these Orders does things throughout the day, and their members pass yummy food.


I love this picture – so many smiles.  The pennants and streamers blowing in the wind were so lovely.

Center in blue is Gunnar Snaebjorn (‘snowbear’) who is one of our shire fighters, and distinguished himself well by lasting into the second round of matches, and was named as the Chivalry Champion by the Knights.  (And he got an awful lot of Populace votes, too.)  Lord Gunnar is going to fight in Crown List in two weeks.

Other news: Lady Gabrielle, our Seneschal, took a yellow Protege’s belt from Mistress Odinissa (sp?), so that’s great for her to be working so actively.

8 thoughts on “Back from MGT – Award of Arms

  1. Congratulations Lady Margareta!! BTW, the critter on your scroll is not a unicorn. It is called a monocephalous! Sounds like it was a great time had by all!
    Mel and Cato

  2. I second, third, and/or fourth the congratulations! Less than a year in the society–that’s pretty amazing!

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