Assassin’s Meeting Ideas

UPDATED 11/13/06

The Assassin’s Meeting: As explained by Geoffrey (our Hospitaller), the
idea is to provide everyone with someone else’s Victim Identity card at
check-in.  During the day (but not on the field, so as to Keep It Holy
sanctuary! sanctuary!) everyone is trying to ‘assassinate’
his or her designated victim.  If I was assassinated, I would receive
my own VI card from the evildoer, exchanging it for the VI card I’d
previously been assigned, and would trot back over to Troll and report
myself dead, by whose hand, and by what means.  Then, at Feast, awards
would be given recognizing survivors, most accomplished assassins
racking up most kills, and most clever assassins for demonstration of

I had a couple of fundraising ideas vis-a-vis the assassin’s game.
First, the Shire should produce several types of insurance for sale.  I
can think of two so far, an herbalist’s sachet, and a religious token/card.
Assassins could purchase one of each kind, and use them each once.
(The tokens should be designed as souvenirs of our Assassin’s Meeting,
and personalized with Shire device and year, for collectibility.  They
should also have a detachable piece that the unsuccessful assassin
would take, nullifying their potency.)  But when you run through your
insurances, you’re vulnerable to the third assassin who comes your way.

Of course, I’m already designing these insurances in my head.  I should start looking for illustration ideas.

UPDATE: Daan helped me think of more kinds of ‘mulligans’.  The list is now:

  • An herbalist’s sachet, good for stirring the humours and reenvigorating the attacked person, probably strong smelling;
  • A religious relic (the rotary cuff of Good Saint Whackingdon, martyred by sore muscles and heatstroke);
  • An apothecary’s bezoar – which I know from Snape’s Potions classes as "A bezoar is a stone that is taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons."(Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone);
  • A charmed amulet, bewitched to turn aside and blunt all manner of blades;
  • An astronomer’s horoscope, asserting that "The stars assert the bearer of this card will not die today…at least not with this attempt."
  • A chirurgeon’s leech, specially bred to relieve the carrier of any evil poisons, diseases and humours.

I think that’s enough, don’t you?

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