A&S Summary, third quarter 2007

Acquired 4-harness treadled loom and learned how to operate
Researched double-weaving in period
Researched meanings and prevalence of stripe patterns in period
Began a double-woven striped shawl
Carded and spun more wool for shawl project with antique spinning wheel

Researched natural dyes using found materials – goldenrod, acorn ink, mushroom dyes
Gathered and stored materials for dyes

Acquired copy of Frances Pritchard’s "Clothing Culture: Egyptian Textiles of the First Millennium"
Began researching Coptic weaving techniques

Volunteered to teach class at Gatalop: "Linen: Seed to Shirt"
Researched and assembled class notes (20 powerpoint slides, ~25 illustrations, 6 sources)
Acquired and read seminal resource on linen: Patricia Baines, "Linen: Handspinning and Weaving"
Tried Egyptian spinning technique for linen to good effect.

Attended Meridian Grand Tourney, where sat with various Laurels and
discussed weaving techniques, future garb projects, shoemaking.

Helped put on first local shire event in ~10 years: Daggers & Hemlock
-Coordinated A&S classes (11) for event: recruited teachers, wrote class blurbs, coordinated shifting schedule
-‘Landcratted’ hall
-Designed, directed others’ work, and solely finished 6 sheetwalls
featuring authentic stained glass images from various cathedrals for
decoration at the event
-Sang during feast

Acquired wooden sabots for self and other shire member; discovered how
to wear, experimented with wear while gardening.  Wore to MGT.
Researched historicism of sabots, and ‘sabotage’.

Talked to various newbies about the SCA, and basic garb tenets.
Joined Meridian Costumer’s Guild, participated in list discussion

Researched and shopped for period tent.
Researched Near Eastern knitting.
Made device banner
Designed and sketched Gothic Fitted Dress project, fitted GFD bodice sloper, researched embroidery/weaving of insects on dress.
Constructed Viking tunic, apron and hat, apron sewn by hand with drawn threads.
Participated in ongoing group peach mead project
Sewed three Velvet Owl pouches by hand, delivered to Crown at Meridian Grand Tourney

Began public wiki called "Peasant Tech" (http://peasanttech.wikidot.com) to collect all useful peasant tech data.
Collected Master of the Housebook images to work on replication of Durer’s Furleger dress.
Began handsewn shift, replica of one in Durer’s Furleger portrait.

Learned how to shoot rifle (origins in mid-15th cent!).
Researched Luttrell Psalter; found complete version online.
Tried tablet weaving.
Tried weaving on huge countermarche loom.
Attended RUM:
-Submitted name (Margareta Gijsberts) and device (vert, on a chief wavy argent, two bees sable)
-Took classes (Zill playing, embroidery with silk, Hairstyles of the Italian Renaissance, Meyer’s Rapier/Longsword, )
-Tried frog’s legs

(These lists are getting longer and longer.  I hope the current quarter is not so crazy as this one, since I managed to give myself bronchitis with the D&H commitment.

One thought on “A&S Summary, third quarter 2007

  1. Wanna get a head start on 2008 quarter 1? *L* Interested in going to Saltare? It will be in TN near Nashville. I know that is quite a trip for you, but since it is an entire event centered around dance, I thought you might be interested. The site has rooms similar to hotel rooms (2 double beds, a bathroom). They also have a couple of cabins (2 double beds, fold-out couch, lots of room for air mattresses, bathroom, and kitchenette).
    A small group of us are getting a cabin, and we thought we’d ask you to join us. There is only a $10 difference between the hotel rooms and the cabins, and there is lots more space in the cabin. Not to mention the use of the kitchen so we can make our own breakfast and lunch (and possibly dinner). Otherwise you have to eat at the cafeteria restaurant on site. I didn’t know if anyone else from your group or other friends would be going that you could room with, but I thought I’d be the first to offer. 😀

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