What does 10/2 mean?

First, the designation 10/2 is the "lea" number.  The /2 means it’s two strands plied.  The 10 is a bit harder.

A lea is 300 yards, traditionally 120 wraps on a 90" skein.  (Hey mom, remember how big my swift is?  Now we know.)  It weighs a pound.  If your actual yarn weighs 5 pounds as a single, wrapped 120 times around my swift, then we have a 5 lea yarn.  If it’s a double-ply, and weighs 5 pounds wrapped 120 times around my swift, then we have a 10/2 lea yarn.  If it’s a quad-ply (is that a "cable"), and weighs 5 pounds wrapped 120 times around my swift, then we have a 20/4 lea yarn.

Does this sound right, Ann?

Even better, I read that "lea" is a 14th century word of measurement.  This period just gets more interesting the more I get into it.

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