Trying it out on someone else’s loom…

Since I took Thora Sharptooth's wadmal class at Pennsic (see that entry here), Grainne and I have been saying we ought to get together to work on her warp-weighted loom.

She had one, but it had been little more than a coat rack since its creation, and I was a great catalyst to get it going.  (I do this frequently – I show up and people get courage.  It's a wonderful thing.)

So this was yesterday afternoon.

Laugh warp

In a bit less than three hours (and with much gabbing and giggling), we got a Pretty Durn Wide(tm) warp spaced out on her loom, chained into front and back warp.  She's just doing a tabby weave for starters, to figure out some of the basic loom mechanics.

Here's one of the surprises: Hire a Greet (or some other similarly tall, skinny, and flexible string maven) to feed you threads as you chain them from below.  Goes MUCH faster.

Inside warp

(the Greet in the machine….)

When I work on my own loom (when I get it), I'm going to have to train helpers to do the chaining, as I suspect my natural attributes mean I'll be the one inside the warp.

Grainne told me about the Yahoo! group about warp-weighted looms, and I'm very excited to find so many people who have struggled and overcome some challenges I saw ahead.  For example, I can now see several examples of how to have non-wall supported looms.  There's even great photo coverage of how to take a project in progress off the loom, roll it up in a special bag, and move all to another location.  Critical for my life of demos and events.  After the tent is done…loom is NEXT.

One thought on “Trying it out on someone else’s loom…

  1. It wasn’t so much courage that I was lacking, but time 🙂
    Since I have joined the ranks of the unemployed and my son is a little older it has progressed quite quickly, however it does go much faster with help and good conversation…

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