Trestle Table

I’ve always liked trestle tables.  I like how you can see how they work, and I like that they can be demountable and the parts moved elsewhere when you need MORE FLOOR.  Or outside, I have grand ideas of having people over to eat in the garden.

Here’s the kind I like best, with a shaped leg upright, though not the ornate stretcher, and preferably even more painted than this.  Like Swedish Style.
Doesn’t it look like you could just knock that apart, set the top against a wall, hang the legs and stretcher up, at the end of a work session?  Actually, I’d like to devise a table that was about half again as long as this, whose table surface was a series of tongue and groove boards that you set together when you wanted a table, but then knocked apart into planks.

Here’s an explanation of how to make the joints work. Tusk Tenons.  After I finish Daan’s watchcase, I’d like to work on this at Friday Project Nights.  (Alright, I’ll add it to the project lineup.  I’m a danger to myself, honestly.)

UPDATE -7/3/07
Honnoria is feeding the dream.

‘Course, there’s other furniture, too, like this flipback bench…

And I’ve always been fascinated by rope beds…

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