
(This post got out of order – see yesterday’s Stash post for fabrics.)

I’m having a confluence of Persian culture, lately.Lady

I’ve been working on prepping a "Medieval Desert Gardens" class, in order to provide medieval solutions to our recent drought issues.  This necessarily involves Persian gardens, as we have descriptions and archaeological remains of gardens on the Persian plateau beginning in 550BC.  Also many of the foods that we eat now originated in the ‘Fertile Crescent’ – so studying Persia is really helpful for a gardener.

I’ve been impressed with Jadi, a Persian Laurel, both her garb and her dancing.  Mistress Sindokht offered a Persian dance class at Saltare, and I enjoyed it very much.

So I’m adding Persian culture to my collection of interests.  This means clothes.

I’ve corresponded with Urtatim (the owner of Lilinah’s Courtyard) – she
was recommended to me by a ME Laurel in Gleann Abhann – mostly about
possible garden resources, but I should go back to her for garb
suggestions, too.

Melbrigda reminded me of the link to Rashid’s stuff at Dar Anahita.

I downloaded all the PDF patterns from Roxane Farabi, and it looks like
there’s enough information there to pull an ensemble together, if I can
get some guidance about fabric choices that AREN’T SO SHINY (I emailed
her about what sort of fabrics/colors/patterns appropriate for midlevel
class).  I don’t much like her pictures of satins and silks
for my Peasant Tech efforts – especially when she says over and over in the documentation that linen and
cotton are appropriate too.  Also I want to know about making one of
the undercoats wool for when it’s cold at night.

It seems to me that I want:

A shift-like thing (pirahan), in translucent linen, possibly embroidered, open to waist. (ahem – there will be a cheat here.)
A pair of baggy pants (salwar), also in very light linen, with possible embroidered calves (naqshi).
A under-coat (ziri-qaba) in a heavier linen, or matte silk, some color,
embroidered neck edge.  (Could be cotton, but I don’t want to sweat and
have a damp layer.)  Not lined.  Patterned.
A second under-coat (ruyi-qaba) in wool for warmth.  Appliqued trim majorette-style.
An over-coat (joba) with shorter sleeves, in tightly woven cotton or silk, lined with same in diff fabric.
Cute shoes (purchased), a translucent linen chador-veil, a braid
extension-thingy (saragus), and I can use my apprentice pearls to hang
around my face.  And a green silk sash, natch.

I’m looking forward to drawing up a sketch and collecting fabrics.  Design!  Design!  Design!

4 thoughts on “Persian!

  1. I think I’ve pointed her this way before, but do you mind if I point Jadi towards your journal? She could probably help you with questions and patterns and such.
    And gee, an excuse to visit Atlanta. 😉 Hmmm….weekend sewing and dance get together? Jadi’s been teaching a Classical Persian dance class once a month, and we’ve been talking about maybe doing an all-day Saturday type class.

  2. I’ve been thinking about the pirahan and how it opens to the navel. There is only one reason (Ok, two, but for all practical purposes one) that a woman would need a shift to open to her navel. And I’ve decided that since I am an older woman with older children and no more children remotely to follow that I don’t need a pirahan open to the navel. Soooooo, I’m going to make mine a bit less drastically long. 🙂 Altough if I had seen these pics back when I did have suckling babes I probably would have jumped at ME garb!

  3. Yeah more people getting into Persian. Now you have gotten me inspred to get my rear in gear and get going on my Persian.. Thanks for the inspiration. I have been stalling this winter…
    Her grace Mistress Roxane and her excellency Master Safia are fabulous for answering questions… As for silks and stuff.. I am use cottons for liners(usually an unbleached muslin), and linen on the outer layer form my garb..
    I have also seen miniatures of the Joba that has the “hanging sleeve” on both men and women..
    Good Luck looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
    THL Satine

  4. could you share the patterns from Roxane Farabi? Her links appear to be dead. (I’ve been asked to teach a quick 15 min class on Persian clothing and the few patterns of hers I’ve managed to find are wonderful) If it’s okay you could mail them to me at fiberferret at gmail dot com

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