Non-minor songs?

Okay, I’m getting a little bored with All-Minor-All-The-Time, Ye Olde Medieval Sad Ballades, so I’ve been messing about with happier tunes.

"A Lusty Young Smith" is not minor, musically speaking.  It’s certainly upbeat, and there’s only three chords to it, so I can play it up to tempo.  Trouble is, it’s not minor in a social sense either, and though it doesn’t say anything inappropriate explicitly, relying on puns and innuendo, I have NO IDEA when I might play it in a place where other people might actually hear me.  At least without giggling.  We’ll all have to accept that I probably blush like mad when practicing alone for the cats.  But it’s fun!

"Molly Malone" is much more presentable, especially since I know a really good counterpoint harmony for it, and can’t remember where I got the tune.  Probably Peter, Paul and Mary records, etched on my brain at a very young age.

I would really like to learn guitar chords for "Sumer Is A Cumin In", but I only have the piano part, and my ability to work out chords from a melody has apparently met its current limit.

Likewise some of the rounds, because it’s the most fun to get a whole bunch of people making music together, and rounds are quick to learn for non-usual-singers.

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