I can haz tent geometry!!!

Finally, something that backs up my claim that I am an architect, really, truly I am:


A graph paper geteld!  This guy is scaled 1/2"  = 1'0".  It's using a 12' long ridge, with 10' of it over 9' uprights…


Here's the "open one side and put on poles view", a la this real tent:


that I was talking about here.  I waved the pattern around to various people, and decided in discussion that I wanted a taller tent.  (I have tall friends, and I want to use the raised version of an airmattress.  No, don't try to talk me into a wooden bed.)  Thus the furniture made for the graph-paper tent – I oversized each of those pieces by several inches, just to be safe.  Here's a more normal access appearance:


(I have the paper "staked" with tape to a quilter's acrylic square, which is fabulous TRON-type measured ground.)

Here's the tent as we go in the bell panel.  It's a better view of the upright and ridge (model physics are not the same as full-scale physics), and you can see my baby stacking Viking trunks.


A little closer.  I think this will work well – there's lots of space on the other side for a pile of someone else's stuff – in which case, we'd probably put the bed in the middle, to share space better.  That'll also keep the bed the furthest away from possible drip points.

The total footprint is about 8'4" wide, by 16' – though the shape is less because of the chopped corners.  The space between the poles inside is 10', and the bells run out another 3' each side.  Even accounting for the lost space to the chopped corners, site space is only 134 sf, well below the 250 allowed at Pennsic.

Speaking of chopped corners…because I was changing the pattern from my inspiration, I had a bit of trial-and-error on the bell shapes, and checking them against cutting layouts for my fabric…


On the left, a mockup of my cutting layouts.  I have 22 yards of 60" fabric to work with, and the large panels fit into 21 yards.  (This means the opening flaps and mudflaps will be Something Else, but that's okay.)  On the right…a few failed bell layouts.  The 40" x 9.5' triangles worked, but they used up too much fabric.

I'm starting to feel brave enough to contemplate cutting now.  But I don't think I'll have this sewn for this weekend, Mike – haven't even ordered the jute webbing yet.  Let's focus on other things.

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