Green Shawl

ButterflyshawlI made this shawl originally as a learning tool for my local yarn store, Unwind.  It’s an adaptation of Jennie Atkinson’s Butterfly dress pattern, published in both Rowan #37 and Romantic Knits.  I loved the yarn patterns, but not the idea of making a dress – my figure can wear it, but my lifestyle can’t.  So now it’s a shawl.  Here’s what I changed.

Yarn: Jojoland Melody, 100% wool sock yarn, not quite four balls
Needles: 24" long #8 circular
Gauge: Doesn’t matter
Techniques used: In bold.

General construction
Step 1 – Use a waste yarn of similar gauge to cast on 14 stitches, knit a couple rows.  Change to main yarn and knit 20 repeats of Large Lace Edging.  Change again to waste yarn and knit a couple rows.  Pick up 87 stitches along straight side.

Step 2 – Knit Slipped Trellis pattern until the shawl is long enough (I stopped at the end of the third ball of Melody).  Set aside on a spare needle.

Step 3 – Make a second Step 1(out of the fourth ball).  Block both the shawl bit and the edging such that their widths match.

Step 4 –  Kitchener graft the live stitches at the end of the Slipped Trellis section to the live picked up stitches on the edging.

Step 5 – Pick up (a multiple of 3) stitches on one long end of the shawl.  Unpick the waste yarn from the edging ends and add them to your needle.  Knit Picot Bindoff: Bind off three stitches.  *Cast on 3 stitches.  Bind off 6 stitches.  Repeat from *.  Now do the other side, and block again, so the picots are pointy.


Large Lace Edging
Sl 1, K2tog, YO, K1
YO, K2togTBL
(K1, YO) x 2
(K1, YO, K1) into next stitch
(YO, K1) x 2
YO x 2, K2tog, K1. (21 sts)
K2, (K1, P1)*, K1, P9, K1, P5, K1 (21 sts)
*into double YO in previous row
Sl1, K2tog, YO, K1
YO, K2togTBL, K1
(YO, K3) x 3
YO, K1
YO x 2
YO x 2, K2tog, K1 (28 sts)
[(K1,P1)K1] x 2
P5, P3tog
(P5, K1) x 2
Sl1, K2tog, YO, K1
YO, K2togTBL, K1, (YO, K2togTBL, K1, K2tog, YO, K1) x 2
(YO x 2, K2tog) x 3, K1. (29 sts)
[(K1,P1)K1] x 3
P2tog, P1, P2togTBL, P1, P2tog, P1, P2togTBL, K1, P5, K1 (25 sts)
Sl1, K2tog, YO, K1
YO, K2togTBL, K1, YO
Sl2(as if K2tog) K1, P2SSO, K1
Sl2, K1, P2SSO, YO, K11 (23 sts)
BO 7 sts.  K4.
P3tog, K2, P5, K1. (14 sts).

Slipped Trellis pattern:
Row 1

YO, K, (YO, K2togTBL, K, K2tog, YO, K) until end

Row 2 and all even rows:
Purl back.

Row 3

[K3, YO, (Slip 2 as if to K2tog, K1, P2SSO) YO**] until end.
**My stitch count ended with the K3 – if yours ends with the YO, change it to a K.

Row 5:
K2 togTBL, K, K2tog, YO, K, (YO, K2togTBL, KL, K2tog, YO, K) until end

Row 7:
[YO, (Slip 2 as if to K2tog, K1, P2SSO), YO, 3K] until end

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