Extended answer about an extended bibliography…

(excerpted from a worry thread on my LJ in 2008, before presenting my first A&S entry at Midwinter A&S)

I like to produce a 'works I actually used for this project' list and a
'other sources you may find useful to follow me' list, because people
who are new to the field may need to read more widely to catch up to
the context I'm in.  The latter is what I mean by 'extended

Funny thing happened at Menhir – somebody asked
me to repeat the two-hour class that Gwen, Maudey, Una and I had just
presented on the development arc of early period costuming.  I'm afraid
I let my cold speak a bit too loudly – "See that bibliography list over
there?  Get all those and read them."  Of course that isn't right, one
could read that impressive list of books and by not having any sewing
construction experience, or not having read general histories, or not
understanding weaving physics or dyeing chemistry, and one wouldn't be
able to 'come to conclusions'.  Which of course is why you take a class
from someone who HAS done all that.  Something I find in my general
experience of humanity – people want fast answers, and you don't get
the good stuff out of studying anything without putting serious time
in.  In 'learning about learning' channels, I've seen estimates of
10,000 hours to become an 'expert' on any topic, and that's after
figuring out what the topic is!

Keep in mind, this is my first
piece of documentation for A&S, and in order to decide what goes in
I'm leaning heavily on my teaching experience from graduate school
crossed with the 'populace education' market demand I've encountered in
the SCA.  People are already asking me for bits of this documentation,
and I'm trying to construct a document that will be the most useful to
the most people.  Since of course I'm going to keep it published
('information wants to be free!').

That said, however, I'm
frustrated that the whole paper is not as good (clear, helpful,
enabling) as I would like it to be.  Oh well, something to improve. 
I'll see what sort of questions this thing generates and the next
version will be better.

One thought on “Extended answer about an extended bibliography…

  1. Extremely long but very useful and informative article. How i wish i can do all of that in a short period of time. But for sure doing those will produce results. I will try to spread your words through my blog and link it back to you. Thanks a lot for those tips.

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