Chausses for Daan

Finally got a basic pattern, a piece of time, and my husband in the same place.  So this weekend we got a chausse sloper made.  Now I can figure out what pieces of fabric to use.  (It’s clear from our fitting exercise that I will have to fit the actual leg fabric also – but I’ll do the braies first so he can be wearing those.


I’m using the La Fleur de Lyse pattern you can buy here for a basic starting point.  However, I notice several things:

The hose leg was just about perfect for Daan right off the paper.  He’s 5′-10", 156 pounds, and very athletic.  No extra fabric in the pattern at all – in fact I may have to add a bit at the heel so the leg can slip off over his high arches.  According to the illustration, baggy ankles are expected.

Speaking of baggy.  Now, the braies pattern, the small, has a leg panel girth of 24" (x2) plus 18" gained from the crotch panel.  I measured myself (my hips are a bit bigger than Daan’s, but we can wear the same pants) sitting down, and my biggest measurement is about 45".  So the Pattern Peasant has short skinny legs and a bigger waist than my Daan’s of 30".  Hmm.

I like all the parts in the Accessoires Medievaux, and they have the added bonus of being in French. [end sarcasm]  They are translated into English, but the translation is kind of funny, so it’s a nice culture lesson.

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