Casting Stuff

No, I’m not picking up another hobby.  (My categories are disappointing me though, perhaps I need a GGG one now?)

One of my talents seems to be picking up interesting people at events.  One such is a musician named Constanta Innocenti, whom I found at Saltare, and generously gifted me with one of her cast pilgrim’s badges, a dancing porkchop inspired by the cantatas of Alfonso the Wise (X, I think). 

Well, in pointing out that Musicians Need Garb, Too, she’s sent me a picture of her other goodies.  Here they are:


Which puts me in mind, Constanta – as much as I like your casting, you might help me more with a musical quest.  I’m wanting to learn guitar, but I also have a Bb wooden flute.  Can you put me in touch with appropriate parts for period music with which to make a fool of myself in future?  I’m afraid I seriously need guitar chords marked.  Thank you so much.

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