
Have I mentioned my crush on Alton Brown?  He’s the creator of "Good Eats" on the Food Network, sort of a cooking version of Bill Nye, the Science Guy.  Mix science, food history, gadget physics, and a little cooking with fast-paced educated humor and you’ve got MY attention.  Anyway.

Monday night’s show was about carrots, and besides all the neat info about how beta-carotene is helpful to the rods in your eyes, I was particularly interested in the medieval data on carrots.  How carrot cake is a direct decendant, via WWII Blitz England, of medieval carrot puddings.  Because carrots have more sugar in them than any other veg, except beets.  Cool!  So I’m looking for a carrot pudding recipe.  Since there’s some carrots in my garden.

2 thoughts on “Carrots

  1. OK, now I *know* we have to be long-lost sisters–I *adore* Alton Brown! (if you tell me you like Mythbuster then I’ll think we’re clones).
    I just scanned a carrot halva recipie that I’ve never tried, but looks interesting. I’ll email it to you.

  2. OK, now I *know* we have to be long-lost sisters–I *adore* Alton Brown! (if you tell me you like Mythbuster then I’ll think we’re clones).
    I just scanned a carrot halva recipie that I’ve never tried, but looks interesting. I’ll email it to you.

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