Oil lamps, 0.2

Mistress Honnoria, of Aethelmarc, sent me the following link about using oil lamps. Master Bedyr Danwyn's Oil Lamps and Working With Natural Oils This answers a concern I had, about the flame somehow spreading into the reservoir.  (It also refutes the Hollywood stunt about spilling oil lamps and then igniting the oil.)  According to this, natural oil has to be heated to burn.  Proximity to the burning wick heats just enough oil to burn as it goes along.  If you slosh oil, you're likely to put the whole thing out. More useful things for my particular application: Placed wicks are … Continue reading Oil lamps, 0.2

Oil lamps, 0.1

So I got it into my head somehow that it'd be cool to have some oil lamps.  Or cool to take Lady Kerstyn Gartenier's pinchpot class at Lusty.  I did a teensy amount of research (and here's a very basic timeline, look for the Oil Lamp page), and decided I might be able to bring off an Iron Age lamp. (Interesting historical tidbit I hadn't thought about yet – the Iron Age is later in Britain than other places, but the lamp type is the same.  This mushed shallow bowl is an IA lamp, whether it's found in the Mediterranean … Continue reading Oil lamps, 0.1

Non-SCA early period fora, furniture and oil lamps

My buddy Cynred introduced me to Roman Army Talk, which I've been finding a terrific resource for my Coptic interest. Today, I stumbled on Kelticos, which has lots of lovely (and new to me) archeological directions, as well as people who are very focused on late Iron Age Europe. I was actually looking for some guidance on a ceramic oil lamp, because this weekend I can play with dirt under the guidance of Kerstyn Gartenier, but of course, I got sidetracked.  Here's an illustrative exchange about Celtic household furnishings: Joan Liversidge is an expert on furniture from Roman Britain. She … Continue reading Non-SCA early period fora, furniture and oil lamps

Wanted: Mirrored box

[Continuation of Greet’s Guy’s Garb series, AKA ‘what Greet wants and is willing to sew for’] I saw some adjustable mirrored boxes at War.  These are fairly simple wooden boxes, looked like poplar, unfinished, with a mirror set inside the lid with two small hinges.  I didn’t want my behavior to scream "I love this idea but I could do it better", so I didn’t take pictures, but here’s my drawing: They came in four sizes, small (8×10) and large (12×14), either 4" or 8" deep.  I’m guessing on all of these measurements from my memory – if you have … Continue reading Wanted: Mirrored box

Portable desk

Okay, this isn’t at first very medieval looking. It’s a fabric desk marketed for how it’s shown, as a construction gadget.  However….it’s foldable, and light, and hangs from just two loops, so it’s got great possibilities as TENT FURNITURE.  Couldn’t you see this as a prep surface for cooking?  a sideboard or display surface in a classroom tent?  It’s fabric, so you can paint it with designs or pin into it to resist the wind…clearly I want one.  Get yours (or buy me one) at Amazon. Continue reading Portable desk

Getting ready for Gatalop

New cot! (Mem says that it’s his turn for blog fame now that Squeek is famous.) (Of course, Squeek tried out the cot first, and had a blast pouncing on my fingers tapping from underneath.  Mem doesn’t fall for these games; he’ll watch and watch and watch…and then chomp your shoulder.) I need a cot for Gatalop, because I’m sleeping in the bastion, and apparently there are crabs. Fort Gaines is an island off the coast of Mobile, Alabama.  I have heard it can be cold and windy, or hot and muggy, but definitely crabby.  I have my wooden shoes, … Continue reading Getting ready for Gatalop

Device banner

I made a personal banner for Daggers & Hemlock, to help contribute to the festiveness of the room, even though my device hasn’t yet passed.  (The banner was easy and cheap to make, and if I have to change it, I will.) But when my banner was up with the others, I didn’t like how I’d made it.  I’d embroidered outlines of the bees on, because I wanted them to show on both sides equally, and I wasn’t sure about whether the outline would be important in identifying the insects as bees, and thought I might outline them in dark … Continue reading Device banner

Trunk Project

I don’t think I’ve blogged about my Trunk Views yet, but after lots of thinking and some experimentation, the Views are turning into a Project, so it’s time. Views: Peasants and lesser nobles should be able to live out of a trunk, right?  Houses were small, people might have been very mobile.  Certainly we in the SCA are very mobile.  And She With Few Things is likely to be rewarded with a lower gasoline bill, particularly when she lives Back of Beyond.  (8 hours to Kingdom A&S, 7 hours to RUM.) So I thought about using a trunk to move … Continue reading Trunk Project

Vert, on a chief wavy argent two bees sable

That’s my new device, if the College of Heralds like it.  It looks like this. (I’m not sure about the precise nature of the waviness.  Does it matter, from instance to instance, if it’s a bit different?  Four humps, five?  I would think not, if we’re judging on a readability-from-100 yards basis.  We’ll find out.) Oh, right, a name? Well, since I ditched the Hungarian notion, and the Margareta stands, I went back to Daan’s family tree.  "Gijsberts" is the oldest byname listed, and was most certainly the previous genitor’s first name, since they didn’t become Van der Loop until … Continue reading Vert, on a chief wavy argent two bees sable