Results of Midwinter A&S for Coptic Embellishment entry

[This entry is feeling hard to write, because the project did really well, and good things happened to me, and I don't know how to say it without the results seeming like I am blowing my own horn.  But I want to share with you all, so suffice to say that I feel really really validated and humbled.  At the same time.  Which is pretty awesome, from my side of the line.]


As promised, here's the PDF of my documentation. Download Coptic Embellishment-A Simple Method for Picky and Patient Re-enactors2
I didn't take a picture of the setup (stupid!), but I'll reassemble it and blog it soon.

I got really great encouragement, comments, suggestions, and prodding as to "where to take this next."  Even better, I find I've still got enough interest in the topic to keep going in those directions, some of which are Very Ambitious.  So this isn't the end of Coptic tapestry weaving…not by a long shot.

I also got a terrific score: 19/20.

And I won my level, which was Beginner.  I felt odd registering as Beginner, since I know I'm very different from most beginners, but the criteria is "have you been awarded a Meridian Cross?"  Since that answer was a fact, and a "no", then it was out of my hands.

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