RUM 2007

(I swear this was a coincidence.  Me, Kyle, and Lavena, after court.) RUM was fun and interesting.  I liked the site very much, because the Lake Lanier area is surprisingly cool, and very beautiful, and it’s very nice to take a dip in the swimming pool after the end of classes. Particularly when you’ve spent an hour swinging a longsword dummy over your head in the sun. (I’m very sorry I don’t have a picture.  I would’ve loved to see what I looked like.  I need a photographer.) I took classes in Italian hair braiding, silk embroidery, Meyer’s rapier & … Continue reading RUM 2007

July 4th Painting Party

I have this crazy idea of how to decorate sheetwalls for our upcoming event, and Lavena decided the best way to get them done was to have a painting party.  We started at 10 am.  (I brought the sheets with the designs traced on already.) Old friends came. There was lots of food. Lovely new people visited from far away (Knoxville!), and their local relatives might like us well enough to come play again. There was a lot of painting, which people seemed to like.  (This is a good shot of this summer’s hairstyle on me, which was also popular … Continue reading July 4th Painting Party

Heritage Museum – Saturday in the Park

UPDATE: We were in a local newspaper!  The very readable (only comes out weekly, so they must have time to weed out all the dumb stuff that the daily runs) Bay Beacon featured the following: (click to enlarge) Yes, that’s me with my mouth open.  Standard expression for a magpie, don’t you know? ****end update*** One of our little cities’ Heritage Museum has a craft fair fundraiser every year in the adjacent park.  The local shire was told that we could appear for free, and we might sell our own fundraiser crafts.  So here we are on April 28, 2007. … Continue reading Heritage Museum – Saturday in the Park

UWF Festival on the Green, with pictures

Me showing Mary (Melbrigda’s daughter) how carding paddles align fibers. My basic setup.  See, if I pinned visuals around the backflap and across that open left side, that would provide more definition and color.  Also a pennant at the top of the front pole. More of the scene.  That’s Lavena and Saxa on my left, with the glass bead demo.  You can see Ming in his armor mid-picture. I do a lot of laughing, apparently. Here’s Melbrigda in Viking Apron, chatting with a greyhound owner, while apparently I laugh some more in the background. It was a good day. Continue reading UWF Festival on the Green, with pictures

GW: Meridian Court

Although I had heard from various people that ‘Court is Boring’, I was mildly interested, being a newbie and all.  My host Gabrielle agreed.  "We’re going to Court," she announced, "and we have to sit in the back (since we have low/no rank) but we’ll get you on the edge, so you can hear."  Good thing, too, since the current king is funny, and some nifty awards were given out. Here’s a couple of worthies getting recognized.  No, I don’t know who they are.  From the left is King Gunther, Queen Kora, Prince Boru, and Princess Deirdre.  For the mundanes: … Continue reading GW: Meridian Court